Prevention of Proxy attendance is a challenging task in any classroom and it becomes more humongous when the attendance has to be taken subject wise. Absenteeism among students needs to be recorded, reported and analyzed in order to be thoroughly understood. The task of recording and reporting absentee students still falls upon the teacher, although the job is primarily administrative in nature.
Attendance has become a great tool for professors to maintain the strength of the class otherwise they will be speaking in front of the 10-20 % of students. Manual attendance system is time consuming and there is always a risk of human error.
In a college students are free to choose their subjects and can freely roam in and around the college premises. So implementing Biometric Attendance System or high frequency RFID scanners in the college campus generally increase the administrative expenses and not the efficiency of attendance solution.
Thus, to solve the proxy attendance in the colleges we have developed “MyEclass” RFID subject wise Android attendance system. With this system bunking lectures and getting away with proxy attendance will now be a thing of past in colleges. The system will replace the loopholes of Biometric system which cannot meet the requirements of subject wise attendance, and have even failed in providing proxy attendance solution in many cases.

MyEclass RFID android college attendance system we follow the following process.
• Students are issued with RFID enabled ID cards which they scan with Bluetooth enabled RFID reader.
• Professors/Lecturers enter the class room carrying a blue tooth enabled RFID reader and login to MyEclass App through their mobile phone. This will mark the subject teacher present for that day.
• Lecturer will switch on the Bluetooth reader on which is connected with the MyEclass app installed on the lecturer’s smart phone.
• Teachers can then take a headcount of students in class to ensure that no student has carried another card to help his/her classmate get proxy attendance.
• The app can also be connected to the Internet with WiFi and the live attendance data can be transferred to the online records stored in the cloud making the entire process fast and error-free,

• Teachers do not have to call out the names of the students or maintain any manual register.
• Students do not need to write roll number and signature on the paper which the teachers or admin staffs need to update on any college management system.
• No need to install any costly bio metric or fingerprint devices in each class room.
• Students cannot give any Proxy in the classroom.
• Time taken for Subject wise RFID android attendance is less then manual attendance system.
• Implementing RFID android college attendance is cheaper than any Biometric Attendance system.

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